Monday, November 29, 2010

"At age thirteen, 53% of American girls are 'unhappy with their bodies.' This grows to 78% by the time girls reach seventeen."

This - although I'd love to believe it's false - is even more real than imaginable.  I'm an avid user of Tumblr, and every single day, my Dashboard is covered in photos of stick thin women and girls, and even the few self-proclaimed 'happy' anorexic girls, none of whom are over the age of 15.
At an age so young, children shouldn't feel the need to let their body image be controlled by the media, but with peer pressure and the fear of judgement by their friends, it becomes almost impossible to set that out of their minds.  We need to work and encourage our younger generation to not fret over their bodies, to be healthy and happy, and not depressed every time they look in the mirror.  There are bigger issues out their then trying to be a corrupt community's ideal of 'perfect'.

"Your body isn't disgusting; society is."

-Kait Fial

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