Friday, November 19, 2010

The New Extreme

Being a model is a death sentence really. You either die a career suicide or you just die. High profile models who manage to land high profile designer ads, seem to all share one thing in common, an eating disorder. Either being Anorexia or Bulimia. At the beginning of their career they are extremely beautiful women, but as the years go by they  slowly change and change. They start to become skinner and skinner, thru probably a diet of smoking, drugs and less than 1000 calories a day, they are slowly killing themselves. Seeing pictures like the one above just makes me feel bad for them really, who new that beauty came with a price, that price being your life. We seem to live in a world that wants to exude nothing but perfection, but this isn't perfection its murder.
                                     Nathan Pirir

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